Following the recent events regarding the Coronavirus in Italy, Customers are encouraged to seek the latest information available in the news outlets and on the relevant websites.


Hereunder please find the guidelines to follow to proactively manage the risk of contagion:

  1. Make a complete and thorough map of all your personnel/collaborators and contractors to see where each lives, works and or hangs out.

Be sure to have a phone number where he/she is always reachable and ask to be updated if he/she got in touch with people already infected by the virus.


  1. Draw n emergency plan that allows the carry out of the tasks even through “smart working”, via a VPN connection to the Company network, video calls and conference calls.

For those roles where this is not applicable, limit the accesses in the event of suspected and possible contagion, inviting personnel to contact the relevant Health Organizations or by calling the dedicated line 1500 set up by the Health Ministry to verify his/her health situation.


  1. Make a thorough analysis of all the business travels, may it be to visit clients, company’s branches, factories. Travels must be kept to a minimum.
  2. Define the different risk levels based on what is happening. For example: “Medium-High Risk” if there are more areas within the Region at risk of contagion; “High Risk” if the number of infected is above a certain threshold.


  1. Personnel with possible symptoms of infection by the contagion, cannot, under any circumstances, enter the company buildings and will have to act according to the Directives of the Health Ministry.

While managing this “operative” risk is of the utmost importance the access to detailed information as well as the ability to immediately broadcast messages to all employees – possibly by using WhatsApp messages broadcast capability or via mass emailing.

We believe to be advisable to have the support – during the evaluation phase – of the professional responsible of the Health and Safety of the company as well as of the Company Occupational Doctor.


Everyone is invited to operate with caution, evaluating in a rational and objective way each situation it will present.

HRProfessional Team is ready to support you in managing any possible critical situation